- glass fusing
- fusing project guides
- shamrock dish
Shamrock Dish

- FW960 90 Coe Fusible Variety Frit
- K1006 Clear 6x6 Squares Coe 90
- 51033 Small Square Slumping Mold with Rounded Sides
- FW999 Fuseworks Craft Kiln
- 653 Studio Pro Pistol Grip Glass Cutter
- 600 Studio Pro 1" Running Pliers
- FW846 Heat resistant gloves
- FW702 Protective eye wear
- FW847A Kiln paper (shelf paper)
- FW737A Kiln wash
- Glass & Metal Enamel Pens
TIP: Make sure your kiln mold is kiln washed before this project.
1. Trace a 3x3 inch square with black marker onto two pieces of clear 90 COE fusing glass.
2. Use your Glass Cutter to score a line onto glass tracing the black marker lines.
3. Use Running Pliers to separate and release glass from score line.
4. On the smooth side of one piece of clear glass, use the Enamel Pens to a festive shamrock in the center. Draw polka dots as well to fill up empty space.
5. Let the enamel dry completely. Color turns pastel when it is fully dry.
6. Next, apply the other piece of clear 3x3 on top.
7. Apply a large piece of kiln (shelf) paper covering the entire bottom of the Fuseworks Craft Kiln.
8. Place the two pieces of glass in the center of the kiln floor.
9. Turn the kiln dial to 12-15 mins to fully fuse both pieces. Tip: Check kiln periodically, by lifting the lid and make sure the glass is melting properly. Make sure you are wearing your hot mitts and protective eye wear whenever you are working with the Fuseworks Craft Kiln.
10. After the piece is fully fused, let the kiln and piece cool down to room temp. This will take between 2-3 hours.
11. Next, remove glass piece from kiln and place the kiln mold in the center. You can also place a new piece of kiln paper incase glass shatters during firing.
12. Place your fully fused glass piece onto the 3x3 kiln mold. The mold and the fused piece should be the same size.
13 Close the lid to you Fuseworks Craft Kiln and set the timer to 3 min and then let it rest for 1 min. Repeat this process 2-3 times. This process helps the kiln mold preheat and prevent breakage.
14. Next, set the timer to 10-12 min. Tip: Check kiln periodically, by lifting the lid and make sure the glass is melting properly. Make sure you are wearing your hot mitts and protective eye wear whenever you are working with the Fuseworks Craft Kiln.
15. As soon as you notice the glass has molded to the kiln mold, turn the dial back to zero and let kiln cool back down to room temperature. Even if the timer has not finished, it is best to turn off your kiln or you will over fire and stress the glass. Therefore, it is recommended to check kiln periodically.
16. After your kiln and glass piece has cooled down, it is time to clean your piece with warm soapy water to remove any kiln wash residue.
Now you have a one of a kind St. Patrick’s Day themed dish to hold all your lucky charms and coins!