Hanukkah Krafty Blok Luminary Free Project Guide


Free KraftyBlok Project Guide

Create a soft glowing lamp to celebrate Hanukkah!

Materials Needed


• KraftyBlok Original
• 2 - 5oz pkgs Jennifer’s Mosaics Blue Cathedral Stained Glass Chips
• String of Lights or a Lightbulb with a 6’ Cord
• KrylonFrosted Glass Finish
• 28” Length of Blue/Silver Ribbon
• 6 Rhinestones
• E-6000Adhesive
• Contact Paper
Basic Supplies
Craft Knife or Scissors
Project Tip 
• Never nip over the contact paper as it may cause the paper to become less tacky.

1. To protect work surface, cover with newspaper.
2. Remove the labels and clean all surfaces of the KraftyBlok.
3. Spray both sides of the KraftyBlok with KrylonFrosted Glass Finish following the manufacturer’s instructions, allow to dry.
4. While paint is drying, enlarge the pattern to fit the block surface.
5. Place pattern on the work surface and tape down.
6. Cut a piece of contact paper a little larger than the pattern. Remove the backing from the contact paper and place sticky side up over the pattern, tape into position.
7. Nip 3/4” blue cathedral stained glass chips in half and place them along the perimeter of the pattern to form the border. Leave 1/8” between each piece.
8. Randomly nip blue cathedral glass tiles into random shapes. Fit shapes like a jigsaw puzzle into the body of the star. 
9. When paint has dried, position the KraftyBlok on your work surface, with the
8” x 8” surface side up and the stopper opening facing down, towards you.
10. Apply mosaic adhesive to the glass and place the mosaic, glass side down onto the surface of the KraftyBlok. Allow mosaic to dry overnight.
11. When the glue has sufficiently dried (refer to manufacturer’s instructions), remove contact paper.
12. Using an adhesive apply one rhinestones between each of the points on the star.
13. Wrap a 28” ribbon around the side of the KraftyBlok and tuck the ends inside the opening and glue into place.



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