- diamond tech
- stained glass class pack
Includes 10 essential supplies for the stained glass beginner.
"Memories in Glass" includes 10 full-sized, easy-to-follow patterns.
Includes step-by-step instructions and artist tips and techniques.
Basic tools for the foil and solder stained glass method. Kit includes “Memories in Glass” a guide to stained glass including commonly used terms and definitions, basic instructions.
Grade Level: Junior High and High School
Makes: N/A
Contains: 2 OZ Flux, Flux Brush, 1” Running Pliers, 3/8” Breaker/Grozer, Steel Wheel Glass Cutter, Hobby 100 Soldering Iron, 1/4” Copper Foil, Solder 60/40, Scythe Stone and "Memories in Glass" book which includes 10 easy-to-follow patterns and instructions.