Candy Corn Bunting Project Guide


Candy Corn Bunting
BY: Debi Cronin
(1 being the easiest, 5 being most difficult)

• 1 sheet Studio Pro™ Peaches &
Cream Glass - #910862
• 1 sheet Studio Pro™ White Opaque
Glass - #93052
• 1 sheet Studio Pro™ Yellow Cathedral
Glass - #916012
• Tin Core Jump Rings
• Manila folder or card stock
• ¼” Black ribbon
• Black twine or clear filament
• Studio Pro™ 60/40 Solder
• Studio Pro™ 1/4” Copper Backed
Copper Foil
• Studio Pro™ Safety Flux
• Studio Pro™ Copper Patina
• Studio Pro™ Cutting Oil
• Studio Pro™ Finishing Compound
• Glue Stick
• Tape
• harpie® Marker
• tools
• Studio Pro™ Soldering Iron with a750 tip

1. Measure and mark each 12”x12” sheet of glass into three 4” x 12” strips. To do so, use a ruler and a Sharpie® marker to measure
and mark off the sections. Next, hold your glass cutter as you would a pen or pencil keeping the wheel perpendicular to the glass.
Drag your hand as you score to control the motion across the lines. Steer the cutting from your elbow/shoulder not your wrist.
2. Cut out the pattern provided, staying on the outside of the dark outline. To make the pattern pieces sturdy and reusable, adhere
the pieces to a file folder or cardstock. Cut the pattern from the file folder/cardstock using a foil pattern shears, cutting directly
over the pattern outline. The shears will remove just enough space from the pattern for the foil. If you do not have pattern
shears, simply use a scissors and cut along the inside of the dark outline.
3. For a traditional candy corn look, use a glue stick to adhere pattern 1 to the white glass, pattern 2 to the orange glass and pattern
3 to the yellow glass. Please note, some glass has a pattern or flow in the form of a texture or color swirls within the glass. Should
the glass have a flow, make sure it is running in the same direction.
• Studio Pro™ Pencil Grip Glass Cutter
• Studio Pro™ 1” Running Pliers
• Studio Pro™ Breaker/Grozer
• Studio Pro™ Flux Brush (2, one for flux and one for patina) (or a cotton swab)
• Studio Pro™ 2 Pack Fid (or craft stick or pencil)
• tudio Pro™ Foil Scissors for pattern cutting
• Studio Pro™ Long Tweezers
• Studio Pro™ Safety Goggles
• Studio Pro™ Heat Resistant Work Surface
©2014 Diamond Tech • Tampa, FL • 813-806-2923 • 800-937-9593 •
4. Using a glass cutter, cut the pattern pieces from the glass by scoring, then running the score. If you are new to stained glass, visit for video instruction on how-to cut glass using a handheld glass cutter.
5. Next, remove the patterns from glass and repeat step 5 to create 6 more candy corns. Should you have burs or uneven glass
after cutting, use a glass grinder or breaker/grozer to nibble away the edge to make them smooth. WASH ALL GLASS PIECES WELL
6. Peel back 2”-3” of the foil backing from the foil. Holding the glass with the edge toward you, apply foil to the edge of the glass so
that it extends evenly over both sides.
7. Fold or crimp foil over edges making sure to fold corners neat and flat. Burnish (rub) foil using a fid or a wooden craft stick. Press
foil flat against glass on the outside edge first, then both sides of the glass. Don’t scrub as you may rip the foil. Foil all pattern
pieces and place them on a heat resistant surface for soldering.
8. Tape glass pieces together on the work surface to temporarily hold them in place. Avoid placing tape along the outside edges.
Using solid core 60/40 solder, pull out about 9 inches of solder from the spool, do not cut.
9. Tack solder the seams on the outside edge of the project. To do so, place a small amount of flux where the seams meet, then
holding the iron above project, allow solder to drop onto the project where fluxed.
10. Once tacked soldered into place, remove tape and discard. Using a brush, apply flux to the seams. Place the hot soldering iron tip
on the seam you want to solder with the narrow edge, not the flat edge facing up. Now that the tip is on the foil, place the solder
from the spool about ½” up from the end of the tip. Gently push the solder into the tip, as you move the tip along the seam. Let
up on the amount of solder when you come to the end of the seam. Now wipe your tip and put the iron back into the iron stand.
Using a tweezers and turn the project over, REMEMBER THE GLASS WILL BE HOT! Flux and solder the back seams.
11. Apply flux to the outer edge of the project and apply solder, see step 11.
12. Place the project flat on the work surface; align a jump ring on each side of the candy corn where glass pieces 2 and 3 meet. Hold
one jump ring at a time with long tweezers, flux and tack solder (see step 11) in place. Do the same for the other side, then flip
the project over and tack solder the backside of the jump ring to secure in place.
13. When project is cool, wash entire project thoroughly using warm water, soap and a soft brush, rinse and dry.
14. Using a flux brush or a cotton swab, apply copper patina following manufacturer’s instructions to the solder, buff and shine using
finishing compound to bring a luster to the project.
15. Now for the finishing touch, cut five 5” lengths of ribbon. Arrange the stained glass candy corns on a flat surface so the jump
rings are next to each other. Thread a length of ribbon through the jump rings tie a knot and a bow, repeat tying each candy corn
together at their jump rings. For more support, thread black twine or clear filament behind each candy corn and through each
jump ring. Use ribbon or black twine/clear filament to hang bunting


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