- mosaics
- mosaic project guides
- mosaic house number
Mosaic House Number

• 3/8” Denim Mix Venetian 8oz
• 3/8” White Glass Tile- 1/2lb
• Wheeled Glass Nippers
• Mosaic Mercantile ADH8 Adhesive
• 12” x 5.5” Weathered Wood Plaque with hanger
• White Sanded Grout 2lbs
• Computer Printer and Paper
• Plastic Cup
• Plastic Spoon
• Grouting Sponge
Be Safe!
• Wash hands thoroughly after handling grout.
• Adult Supervision is required.
• Glass may be sharp – please use caution while handling.
• Wear your safety goggles when cutting glass tiles
• Wear latex gloves and dust mask when handling grout.
Mosaic Tips:
• Outdoor temperature as well as water temperature can affect grout setting time; chilly conditions will make for a slower set time, where hot conditions will make the project set faster.
• Create your House Number in an area where it can stay put for at least 24 hours.
• Use glass whole or nip to shape with a mosaic tile nipper.
• If your water has a heavy mineral or salt content, use distilled or bottled water to mix the grout.
Let’s get started
1. On the computer, type in the house number you wish to use. Scale to size.
2. Cut out the numbers
3. Place the house number template on top of wood plaque and trace number with pencil
4. Cover a work surface with newspaper.
5. Begin drawing a design around the traced numbers
6. Place tile pieces onto pattern. Tip: Use the wheeled tiled nipper to shape and trim tile.
7. Start gluing down your glass tile to the wood plaque. Leave a bit of space (1/8”) between the pieces of glass.
8. Let the glue dry for approximately 1 hour.
Step 2 –Mix your Grout
Instructions for Sanded Grout Mixing (grout quantity depends on your size mosaiced plaque)
1. Make sure you are wearing protective eye wear, gloves and dust mask.
2.Use a measuring cup to place 1 cup of grout in a small container. Slowly add small amounts of water and mix.
3. If grout appears dry, add more water, 1 tablespoon at a time, until the mixture turns into a peanut butter texture.
4. If you feel you do not have enough grout to cover entire wood plague, add a little bit more sanded grout and water until you have reached your ideal amount.
Step 3– Finishing it off
1. Make sure you are wearing protective eye wear, gloves, and dust mask.
2. Start applying grout onto the plaque. Make sure to get grout in between the tile.
3.Once your mosaiced plaque is covered in grout, let it settle for approximately 5 minutes. Then with a damp sponge or paper towel wipe down excess grout layer. Does not need to be perfect, you will repeat this process when mosaiced plaque is completely dry.
4. Allow the mosaiced plaque to set overnight. Clean off any excess grout covering the glass. You may clean the grout with a paper towel, sponge or the edge of a penny to scrape away stubborn grout. All Done!
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