- mosaics
- mosaic project guides
- kaleidoscope lamp
KraftyBlok Kaleidoscope Lamp
Materials Checklist:
• 1 KraftyBlok
• 1 package each 5 oz. ¾” Cathedral Glass Squares – Purple, Dark Green and Blue
• 13 Blue ¾” Glass Gems
• 9 White ¾” Glass Gems
• 1 White 1½” Glass Gem
• 1 Blue ½” Glass Gem
• Clear Silicone (adhesive)
• 1 String of White Christmas Lights
• Mosaic Wheeled Glass Nippers
• Safety Glasses
Step 1 - Preparation
1. Completely read the directions before starting.
2. Cover your work area with newspaper to protect work surface.
3. Collect and place all supplies needed on your work surface.
Step 2 – Glass Placement
1. Clean the KraftyBlok with glass cleaner or a 50/50 solution of vinegar and water. Dry completely with cloth.
2. Place the KraftyBlok in a horizontal position on newspaper. Slide pattern underneath block as a guide for placement of glass. It is not recommended to trace the pattern onto the glass as marks may show through.
3. Begin by placing glue on the back of 1½” white gem. Adhere to the KraftyBlok where indicated on the pattern. Continue by gluing ¾” blue and white gems, alternating colors around the central gem. Next, apply glue to the back of the ¾” blue and white gems. Adhere to the corners where indicated on pattern. Finish by gluing a ½” blue gem centered and on top of the white gem.
4. Apply adhesive to the back of a dark green cathedral square. Starting in the lower right corner of the KraftyBlok secure in place where indicated. Continue to add the dark green squares to form a circle around the gems. Continue this process with both blue and purple cathedral glass squares.
5. Nip ¾” Green, Blue and Purple glass squares into smaller pieces. Glue in place to fill the voids between glass squares.
6. When the front has dried, place the KraftyBlok on its side with the opening facing up. Starting at the left of the hole glue two rows of ¾” purple chips side by side leaving approximately 1/8” between each piece, until you reach the edge. Allow to dry. Rotate KraftyBlok to the right . Glue two more evenly spaced rows of purple cathedral glass squares. Allow to dry. Continue placing two rows of purple glass squares across the side.
7. Rotate block back on its side with the opening facing up. Glue four blue cathedral glass squares to the right of the opening in two rows leaving 1/8” between each piece. Finish the side by adding two green glass squares. Allow to dry.
8. Rotate block to the left. Glue eight dark green glass squares into two rows, 1/8” apart. Add two blue squares on either side of the dark green squares and finish the double rows of glass squares with four purple squares. Glue into place and allow to dry.
9. To finish corners, nip a chip in ½, forming two rectangles, and apply pieces to the corner curves.
10. Insert string of white Christmas lights in the block and allow plug to extend out. Plug-in and enjoy!
1. Always use protective eye wear when nipping glass.
2. Opus (Latin for work) is the word used to describe the way tiles are laid. The opera of a mosaic dictates the overall flow or movement of the mosaic.
3. When your fingers are just too big to maneuver small pieces of tesserae, use a pencil or tweezers to push them into tight fitting areas.
4. Look for books on mosaics for inspiration.
5. To prevent glass from flying about, nip item inside a bowl or pail. The sides of the container will prevent flyaway pieces.